No.1 Video2MP3
Provides multi-language interface,this site can help us download YouTube, MyVideo, Clipfish, Sevenload, Dailymotion, MySpace website videos into MP3, support and switch "Standard quality" and "High-quality, download speed is fast, highly recommended this one!No.2 Savevid
Supports more than 20 different video sites, video space, including YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Break, Google Video, Veoh, MySpace, etc. We can save video to FLV, MP4, or download in high-definition (HD) video.
No.3 YoutubeSnips
We can only download Youtube video with it, and we can convert the downloaded video files to 3GP, MP4 or save them to FLV, Youtubesnips provides three ways to help users, URL Download, Direct Download and Bookmark Download.
No.4 VidtoMP3
VidToMP3 is a brand new site that allows you to download YouTube videos and the audio from non-copyrighted video clips on video sites! We support all of your favorites: MySpace, YouTube, Vimeo, Google video and many more. Remember to bookmark our Video to Sound converter for all your vid to MP3 and YouTube to MP3 needs! Scroll down to start turning your video or music video files (from YouTube, MegaVideo, etc) into MP3 files. Download YouTube videos or convert YouTube to MP3
No.5 FetchVideo
How to download a video in just 3 easy steps:
- Copy-and-paste a video URL (example: into the form above and hit "Download"
- If it's your first-time, a warning box may pop-up - just select "Run" to continue. This is perfectly safe and will not install software.
- A list of download links will appear. Right-click on the format you want and select "Save As..." to start your download. That's all!
Online FLV Video Converter, it can convert FLV to AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3 and other popular formats, if you can not get the derectly .flv file download link, you can use File2HD to search first, convert with
No.7 CatchVideo (combine with FetchVideo)
Old and famous brand Movide downloader, it can download Youtube video and save to more than 8 formats, such as .mpg, .3gp, .mov, .mp3, .dvd, .wav, .mp4 .flv
No.8 KeepVid
Support, like the majority of the movie space, and bookmarks bar (Bookmarklet) allows users to quickly download videos, it can be as long as you click bookmarks bar the movie page will automatically make KeepVid download, but before downloading to enter the verification code a bit inconvenient.
Dean collected all these info from Internet and generate this post about Youtube Download, Youtube online Video Converter, free youtube downloader, if you like this post, please follow