According to the report from Newscientist , the team from the German Patrick Baudisch's Institute created an 8-square-meter high-resolution intelligent pressure-sensitive floor. This floor can accurately track above the floor of any object, including a human, posture, movement and collision, and generates a mirror projection of the top things. The technology is widely used in the field of home security and automation, and interactive games.
The R & D team, said through the camera detects the movement of objects on the board, the team used the underground pressure sensitive system detects. Lurking beneath the floor system will first be perceived through high-resolution pressure-sensitive floor footprint "the board objects left on the floor", and speculated that the location of objects through these footprints. Then infer the posture of an object, motion, impact, etc. For more information through the inverse kinematics. The specific principle Please see the Hasso Plattner Institute.
Specific application, the team said pressure-sensitive floor can be used in home security, automation, and games. Such as falls among the elderly, the floor can automatically alarm; detect who was sitting on the floor, this person switched out his favorite TV channels; kick CGI on the floor in the end by gravity.
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